Looking to form a new band or need a new band member to replace an old one? By posting a band opening, you can find talented musicians on Sonicbids to network and/or connect.
Step 1. Click 'Post a band opening' in your Musician tools section:
Step 2. Create the listing, ensuring a short, clear, and representative title for your listing. Further details can be laid out in the description, and any files such as photos or samples of your work can be attached:
There is currently no limit to listings, but please don’t duplicate.
You can read more about managing your listing here.
You may not link to any sites selling anything, good luck on your Ebay and Reverb listings though.
As an admin member of an artist EPK, you may post a listing on behalf of that band.
Any listing is bound by our Terms of Service. These are some of the types of listings that will be removed:
- Solicitations (offering your services)
- pornography; bestiality; offers or solicitation of illegal prostitution
- false, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent content; bait and switch; keyword spam
- offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, or malicious postings or email
- anyone’s personal, identifying, confidential or proprietary information
- listings or email the primary purpose of which is to drive traffic to a website
- listings or email offering, promoting, or linking to unsolicited products or services
- affiliate marketing; network, or multi-level marketing; pyramid schemes
- any good, service, or content that violates the law or legal rights of others
What if I see an inappropriate band opening?
You can flag a listing that you deem is inappropriate.
Is it free to post a band opening?
During the beta period, posting and applying are completely free!
What types of band openings can I post?
For a band looking for a new member, select the band name as the listing owner to post a “band opening”. For a musician looking to form a band or collaboration, select your musician profile as the listing owner to post a “new project”. Solicitations (offering your services) are not allowed and will be removed.
Can I add a link or attachment?
Yes -- when you create or edit your band opening, you can add a link (e.g. SoundCloud song to prepare) or upload an attachment (e.g. sheet music).
Can I add a picture?
We will automatically add a photo from your profile or EPK. You’ll be able to see and change this when you preview your listing.
Can I edit my band opening?
Yes -- after you save as draft or publish, you can edit your listing later if you notice a typo!
Can I use HTML tags or Markup?
At this time, band openings only support plain text.
Does my band opening expire?
Yes -- after 60 days, if you have not closed your band opening, it will expire. You can re-open any closed or expired listing that you own.
Why can’t I edit some of the details?
While we understand you may want to fix a typo or add new details, you will not be able to change core elements after it has already been created. For edits required, please close the existing band opening and create a new one.
How quickly will my changes be live?
After previewing and publishing the edits to your band opening, your changes should be available within a few minutes on the site. You may need to refresh/reload to see your changes appear in search results.
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